International Development Law Organization



IDLO’s work in Jordan centres on promoting economic growth by supporting the development of stronger legal frameworks and improved access to justice.

IDLO has been active in Jordan since 2000 and has continued to scale up its engagement in the decades since. In 2009, Jordan became an IDLO Member Party and in 2019 IDLO’s legal status in the country was recognized through a Host Country Agreement.

Over the years, IDLO’s efforts have enhanced the capacities of Jordan’s Ministry of Justice and Judiciary, along with civil society organizations and the private sector.

Supporting Women Judges in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Region

Women in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean region, including Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, and Tunisia, are significantly affected by considerable inequalities. Discriminatory legal frameworks and neutral laws enforced with underlying biases and stereotypes continue to hold women in the region back from fully participating in society. Crucially, this is also the case in political and other leadership and decision-making positions. Enhancing the contributions of women judges is particularly important as gender justice remains elusive in many aspects.

Jordan: Women entrepreneurs’ access to justice

In partnership with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, from 2017 to 2020, IDLO implemented projects to create a more supportive environment for women entrepreneurs in Jordan.

Through baseline assessments and field research, IDLO identified key legal, social and economic obstacles that hinder women entrepreneurs from resolving business-related disputes.

Empowering People with HIV in Egypt & MENA

Tolerance of minorities (religious, sexual or otherwise) remains low in Egypt and other Middle Eastern and North African countries. People living with HIV are among the groups facing most discrimination. The virus is associated with stigmatized behaviors, such as sex between men and drug use. Many people with HIV are thus forced into the shadows, denied treatment, at risk of abuse and imprisonment. IDLO has been working with UNAIDS and local partners to help hundreds of people living with, and affected by, HIV in Egypt to access health and legal services.


Key Initiatives

  • With support from the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, IDLO collaborated with the Judiciary of Jordan from 2019-2020 to enhance the role of economic courts as key drivers of economic growth. This effort included a comprehensive needs assessment of economic courts, conducted in partnership with legal professionals and business community representatives. The assessment findings informed the development of Jordan’s National Justice Sector Strategy.
  • Women in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean region, including Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, and Tunisia, are significantly affected by considerable inequalities. Discriminatory legal frameworks and neutral laws enforced with underlying biases and stereotypes continue to hold women in the region back from fully participating in society. Crucially, this is also the case in political and other leadership and decision-making positions. Enhancing the contributions of women judges is particularly important as gender justice remains elusive in many aspects.
  • In partnership with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, from 2017 to 2020, IDLO implemented projects to create a more supportive environment for women entrepreneurs in Jordan. Through baseline assessments and field research, IDLO identified key legal, social and economic obstacles that hinder women entrepreneurs from resolving business-related disputes.
  • Tolerance of minorities (religious, sexual or otherwise) remains low in Egypt and other Middle Eastern and North African countries. People living with HIV are among the groups facing most discrimination. The virus is associated with stigmatized behaviors, such as sex between men and drug use. Many people with HIV are thus forced into the shadows, denied treatment, at risk of abuse and imprisonment. IDLO has been working with UNAIDS and local partners to help hundreds of people living with, and affected by, HIV in Egypt to access health and legal services.
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