In many parts of the world, women and girls continue to be denied equal rights. Many face enormous challenges in accessing justice, whether in a formal or informal setting, and lack the awareness and power to claim their rights. While progress has been made, discriminatory and unresponsive legal, policy and institutional frameworks remain in many countries. Furthermore, the failure to adequately use the rule of law to promote gender equality and sustainable development results in missed opportunities to address global challenges and provide comprehensive solutions. As IDLO works towards the achievement of the 2030 Agenda, it is essential to recognize the mutually reinforcing nature of Sustainable Development Goal 5 on gender equality and women’s empowerment, and SDG 16 on the rule of law. |
Developing a new Gender Strategy within the context of IDLO's Strategy 2020
IDLO’s Strategy 2020 incorporates gender sensitivity and responsiveness among IDLO’s core values and guiding principles. It emphasizes gender as both a cross-cutting theme in IDLO’s work and the focus of distinct programming, research and advocacy.
To fully integrate gender in our work, IDLO is developing a new Gender Strategy aligned with its Strategy 2020. It aims to ensure that IDLO’s work effectively contributes to gender equality, women’s empowerment and the achievement of fair justice outcomes for women and girls, and is informed by international human rights standards and global commitments on gender equality.
Thank you to all stakeholders who participated in the consultations for IDLO’s Gender Strategy. To stay in touch and receive updates from us, please subscribe to IDLO’s mailing list.