International Development Law Organization

Peace and Democracy


Peace and democracy are universal and related values: when one is lacking, the other is endangered. Both in their own right and in order to secure the premises of development, IDLO treats peace and democracy as sine qua non. But peace and democracy do not come easy: they are achieved by working, gradually, often painstakingly, on laws and institutions. Strong institutions make strong nations; good laws make good citizens. For fragile and post-conflict societies in particular, efforts to foster inclusive Constitutions, integrity in government and a robust judiciary are the soundest form of investment: they create the premises for stability, public trust and national reconstruction. Its long experience makes IDLO the partner of choice in helping attain these objectives. Different societies have different needs: if peace is the same everywhere, democracy takes many forms. Our solutions are therefore non-prescriptive and mindful of context – bespoke tools to realize bold ideals.

To reform laws is to reform societies. At IDLO, this is something that we have had thirty years to learn. And there are no more important laws than fundamental laws – national Constitutions.

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By transferring resources from public to private hands, corruption negates the benefits of development. Similarly, favoritism and nepotism are the antithesis of fairness and equality.

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Public trust and confidence in justice sector institutions is key to investment and commercial transactions, and necessary for sustainable development and social change.

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IDLO is working to combat all forms of corruption by making justice institutions more responsive, reducing conflicts of interest in procurement and public life, and enhancing the capacity of institutions and justice actors.

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Efficient, equitable and accessible justice systems are the lifeblood of the rule of law. For many years, building judicial capacity in the developing world was IDLO's sole area of intervention.

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