Strengthening the capacity of prosecutors, judges and lawyers in Rwanda in international criminal law is both important and timely. Over two decades after Rwanda’s genocide, the number of cases extradited and transferred from other countries to Rwanda continues to increase. Given that international criminal law is a complex and evolving field, prosecutors who appear in Transfer cases would benefit from skills allowing them to more accurately and effectively research and apply the latest judicial precedents.
Funded by the Ministry for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation of the Netherlands, IDLO is implementing a project to strengthen the capacity of prosecutors, judges and lawyers in Rwanda with best practices in international criminal law. IDLO will work with prosecutors from the National Public Prosecution Authority who appear in Transfer cases before the High Court Chamber of International Crimes, implementing a capacity building program on substantive and procedural international criminal law. IDLO will also develop a comprehensive practice manual to guide the conduct and management of Transfer cases during the pre-trial, trial and appeal phases. Finally, building on the previous IDLO training delivered to defense lawyers of the Rwandan Bar Association in 2017-2018, the project will include a refresher course emphasizing legal research, drafting and advocacy skills for lawyers and practitioners representing accused persons in Transfer cases and appeals.
Photo credit: © MilesAstray / Adobe Stock