In Indonesia, with its civil law system, many scholars believe that lecturers do not have any obligation to use case law or jurisprudence, including among judges. This causes stagnant development of the law both in practice and theory. Therefore, integrating case law into education will not only be beneficial to both student and lecturer, but also for the judges so they can employ better consideration when making their decisions or verdicts. Legal education is believed to be a strategic area to introduce so students and judges can learn about the connection between the rule of law and the fight against corruption through case studies.
To address the issue, The Djokosoetono Research Center, Atmajaya University, and Al Azhar University are implementing a project that intends to improve quality of legal education by encouraging the use of cases-based learning, particularly in areas of Company Law, Bankruptcy Law, International Civil Law, and Environmental Law. The project will develop and pilot a case-based teaching material focusing on strategic issues which contribute to Indonesia’s performance on the rule of law and the ease of doing business.
The project is funded through the Indonesia-Netherlands Rule of Law Fund of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Jakarta, which is managed by IDLO.
Photo: © MERW