Indonesia's Attorney-General’s Office (AGO) has identified differences between its methods for measuring the budget it needs to handle cases and the methods used by other bodies, including the Ministry of Finance, the National Planning and Development Agency and the State Audit Board. If the AGO's initial budget needs are not assessed correctly, this could potentially lead to a misjudgment of its budget allocation, its burn rate and expenditure, and its budget performance.
In response to these issues, a consortium led by the National Secretariat of the Indonesian Forum for Budget Transparency and the Indonesian Judicial Monitoring Society is implementing a project to improve the AGO's systems and capacities to conduct performance-based budgeting for case-handling. The project will facilitate dialogue between the AGO, the Ministry of Finance, the National Planning and Development Agency and the State Audit Board to come to a uniform understanding of performance-based budgeting indicators. The agreement between these related government agencies will lead to the establishment of budget lines and capacity development activities to introduce and mainstream performance-based budgeting to AGO staff.
The project is funded through the Indonesia-Netherlands Rule of Law Fund of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Jakarta, which is managed by IDLO.
Photo: © FITRA