Since the revolution in 2011, Tunisia has experienced a period of significant political transition and change culminating in the adoption of a new constitution in 2014, which called for justice reform and protection of women’s rights. However, the practical application of the framework for legal assistance in Tunisia demonstrates the insufficiency of existing relevant mechanisms. Therefore, there is the strong need to empower women to access justice and claim their rights.
Funded by the Government of the Netherlands, IDLO is implementing a project that aims to empower women to access legal services and claim their rights in two governorates of Tunisia. IDLO will work to develop an integrated legal aid scheme for women in order to promote better access to socio-economic rights for women survivors of gender-based violence. IDLO will also carry out training in order to build the capacity of related actors on the piloted legal aid scheme and improve the capacity of justice actors to ensure access to justice for women victims of gender-based violence. Lastly, the project will assist with awareness raising activities by promoting women’s rights in the two governorates.
Photo credit: IPCAM