The entry into force of the Nagoya Protocol in 2014 represented a major milestone in the global commitment to promote access and benefit sharing (ABS) of the use of genetic resources in a fair and equitable way. As of August 2017, 100 Parties in the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) had ratified the Nagoya Protocol, and many now need to adopt national measures to operationalize it at the domestic level. As of January 2017, 37 countries had adopted ABS measures to implement the Protocol - including 6 non-Parties - 58 countries indicated that they were in the process of developing or revising ABS measures for implementation and 60 more indicated that they were planning to do so.
However, targeted trainings and tools to assist Parties in the development of their national legal frameworks are still needed. The Secretariat of the Convention of Biological Diversity (SCBD) partnered with IDLO in 2015 to launch a capacity building program in response. In 2016, Parties have reiterated the need for capacity building and requested the continuation of the IDLO-SCBD training opportunities.
IDLO is implementing a project to build the capacity of CBD Parties to operationalize the Nagoya Protocol in a country-specific manner that effectively contributes to sustainable development, poverty reduction and environmental sustainability goals. With support from the Japan Biodiversity Fund and the European Commission through the SCBD, IDLO will identify, train and support national lawyers and policy officers that can advance the long-term process of developing, implementing and revising ABS regulatory frameworks in their countries. To build the capacity of participants, IDLO will design and host e-learning courses and organize six workshops in Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe, Asia, Pacific Islands, West Africa and Central Africa, and facilitate an online global network for continued engagement.
- E-Learning courses: Learn about the core requirements of the Nagoya Protocol and the steps to take to build legal frameworks to implement it. Eight new modules are freely available.
- Capacity building courses: IDLO organizes courses for national lawyers and policy-officers using the latest interactive methodologies to ensure professionals gain the knowledge, skills and networks they need to be effective. Learn more here
- IDLO Alumni network: IDLO supports a growing network of ABS legal professionals to stay connected and continue sharing their advances, through newsletters, a website, and online and face-to-face events. See the map below to see where to find IDLO Alumni working on ABS issues.
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Course Report:
Establishing measures to implement the Nagoya Protocol