International Development Law Organization

Criminal Justice


Honduras: realiza encuentro nacional sobre rehabilitación y reinserción de personas privadas de libertad

Tegucigalpa, 24 de mayo de 2018.

En el marco del Programa de Reducción de Homicidios y Violencia a través del Acceso a la Justicia en Honduras (RHAJ) que ejecuta la Organización Internacional de Derecho para el Desarrollo, IDLO, surge la oportunidad de contribuir con el esfuerzo del estado de Honduras para la revalorización de las personas privadas de libertad como sujetos de derechos humanos.

IDLO welcomes Mali as new Member Party

Rome, November 28, 2017 – The Republic of Mali has joined the International Development Law Organization (IDLO), the only intergovernmental organization exclusively devoted to promoting the rule of law.

Mali’s accession took place during IDLO’s annual meeting of the Assembly of Parties, hosted by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in Rome on November 28, 2017.

“Today is a big day for us and our country,” said H.E. Bruno Maiga of Mali. “My thanks and all my gratitude go to IDLO for all they have done in Mali.”

Building an effective, fit-for-purpose financial reporting center in Somalia

Somalia’s economy remains heavily dependent on remittances from the Somali diaspora, which the International Monetary Fund estimates account for approximately 23 per cent of Somalia’s GDP. However, examining and supervising such transactions is difficult as Somalia’s formal banking sector is nascent and underdeveloped. Concerns over the lack of a basic, functioning, regulated financial sector and weak financial regulation and oversight, including customer identification measures, have eroded international confidence in Somalia’s financial firms.


Key Initiatives

  • Despite reform efforts undertaken by the Government of Ukraine after the Maidan Revolution in 2014, Ukrainian citizens continue to regard criminal justice stakeholders with deep distrust. In 2019, the presidential and snap parliamentary elections resulted in a shift of the political environment, creating an opportunity to meaningfully advance anti-corruption reforms.
  • Over a decade has passed since the end of conflict in Liberia, but incidence of sexual and gender-based violence has not diminished. Numerous studies reveal an extremely high prevalence of sexual and gender-based violence. According to an IDLO study, in 2015 1396 cases were reported to the Montserrado five one-stop clinics alone. Among those cases, 267 were reported to the Women’s and Children’s Protection Section within the Liberia National Police, 119 received an indictment, while only 3 cases went through to trial.
  • 22 years after Rwanda’s genocide, suspects remain at large and exiled in different countries around the world. Ensuring that they are brought to justice on national soil is a major priority for the Government of Rwanda. As a result of the progress made in recent years in implementing reforms and modernizing the Rwandan justice sector, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda transferred cases to be tried under Rwandan jurisdiction.
  • Renforcement de la chaine pénale au nord du Mali. En 2016, l’IDLO a lancé un programme de cinq ans au Mali, financé par le Gouvernement des Pays-Bas : « Renforcement de la chaîne pénale au nord du Mali ».
  • It is only 25 years ago that Mali initiated its transition from dictatorship to a more inclusive democracy and a more equal society. In many ways it is, therefore, no great surprise that the country has not been able to either transcend personalised power politics or overcome critical socio-economic cleavages.
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