International Development Law Organization

Legal Empowerment

Rights mean little if those entitled to them are not aware they exist. Due process is of doubtful value when you are illiterate, or unable to understand the proceedings. Courts are next to worthless for those who cannot afford the bus fare to reach them. Nor should justice be about courts alone. For all these reasons, legal empowerment is crucial. Part of IDLO's bottom-up (or demand side) approach, it involves equipping people with the knowledge, confidence and skills to realize their rights. Even as we work to improve the functioning of justice systems, we strengthen citizens' capacity to press for justice from below.

The rule of law only exists to the extent that it works for all.

Jordan - Strengthening Capacity of National Partners in Economic Laws

With support from the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, IDLO collaborated with the Judiciary of Jordan from 2019-2020 to enhance the role of economic courts as key drivers of economic growth.

This effort included a comprehensive needs assessment of economic courts, conducted in partnership with legal professionals and business community representatives. The assessment findings informed the development of Jordan’s National Justice Sector Strategy.

Strengthening competition in Mongolia

Legal reform and institutional capacity building have been priorities for the Government of Mongolia since 2005, when a specific Government Agency for Fair Competition and Consumer Protection was established. However, the Government Agency for Fair Competition and Consumer Protection still has institutional weaknesses and has not always been able to effectively implement changes of the legal framework. ​


Key Initiatives

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