Strengthening HIV-related Legal Services
Languages: English, Español

Human rights and the rule of law are not synonymous, but they do overlap and function symbiotically. In the words of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, they "represent universally applicable standards adopted under the auspices of the United Nations and must therefore serve as the normative basis for all United Nations activities in support of justice and the rule of law."
To summarize, the stronger human rights, the stronger the rule of law. Together, they form a framework for decision- and policy-making that is anchored by legality, accountability and participation. In this, they create a fertile ground for development and social transformation.
Languages: English, Español
Milan Expo 2015 is all about food, and while many visitors are there to consume it (waiting lines for some of the national pavilions are counted in hours), many are also there to talk about it in legal and policy terms: the debating space at the Angolan
More than twenty international law and global health experts have adopted a consensus statement on responses to non-communicable diseases (NCDs) at the end of an expert meeting in The Hague.
IDLO’s Country Director for Somalia Adam-Shirwa Jama, responds to IDLO LinkedIn group members' questions:
Many thanks to the members for your interest in IDLO’s work in Somalia. Apologies if we didn’t manage to answer all your questions, we’ll arrange another session in the near future.
In Ukraine, as in most eastern European states, the role of the Public Prosecutor is oversized in relation to the Judiciary and the rest of the legal community. The institution is historically prone to abuse of power and corruption, and skewed towards protecting the interests of the state over those of society or the individual. Regard for human rights is scant; fair trial standards are rarely applied. As a consequence, public dissatisfaction is rife. However, current political will to change the system has opened up an opportunity for meaningful reform.
“Having a new Constitution is all very fine,” one guest at an IDLO event memorably said, “but fixing Nairobi’s traffic may be more important.”
Alongside the University of Pennsylvania Law School, IDLO organized a panel discussion under the theme 'Leaving no one behind: The rule of law as a force for delivering an integrated people-centered development agenda' at the United Nations in New Yor
“What differentiates the rule of law from rule by law is human rights,” IDLO Director-General Irene Khan has said at a roundtable discussion in Geneva.
Policy Statements
Policy Statements
Policy Statements