This sub-project aimed to enhance access to justice for poor, vulnerable and marginalized people in Uganda by strengthening legal aid service delivery. In close cooperation with IDLO, the Legal Aid Service Providers Network (LASPNET) strengthened the capacity of Legal Aid Service Providers (LASPs) to deliver quality services by equipping them with standardized legal aid resource materials and knowledge on project management. The implementing partner also enhanced coordination of the legal aid response to communities by strengthening the Integrated Information Management System and feedback mechanisms, and improving information-sharing among LASPs. LASPNET further delivered training sessions to promote standardized legal service delivery to LASPs, paralegals and local council staff. Finally, IDLO strengthened LASPNET’s institutional capacity to execute its mandate by facilitating regular meetings of the Board Planning and Programmes Committee and annual multi-stakeholder fora, delivering training sessions to the implementing partner’s staff on monitoring, gender mainstreaming and financial management and refining LASPNET’s internal policies and procedures, with a focus on the gender, financial and publication policies.
Implementing Partner:
Legal Aid Service Providers Network (LASPNET)
Sub-Project title:
Supporting Legal Aid Service Providers (LASPs) to Enhance Access to Justice for the Poor, Vulnerable and Marginalized in Uganda
Amount awarded:
UGX 827,536,911
July, 2020 to January, 2023
Direct call