International Development Law Organization
Implementing Partner: 
Association Yam Wékré pour l’Epanouissement de la Femme (AYWEF)
Sub-Project title: 
Prevention et Lutte Contre les Violences Basées sur le Genre (VBG) dans la Région de l’Est
Amount awarded: 
XOF 29,875,002
July, 2023 to December, 2024

This sub-project aimed to contribute to the prevention and fight against gender-based violence (GBV) and the holistic care of GBV victims and survivors and internally displaced girls in the Eastern region of Burkina Faso. The Association Yam Wékré pour l’Epanouissement de la Femme (AYWEF) conducted a series of sensibilization sessions to the local communities on GBV issues, and delivered training sessions to Decentralized Technical Service agents, community and religious leaders, and members of special delegations, composed by local leaders and civil society representatives, under the transitional Government, on GBV assistance and referral services available for GBV victims and survivors. AYWEF further supported the establishment of two (2) committees for the referral of GBV cases in the city of Fada N’Gourma, charged with receiving, listening to and recording complaints, forwarding them to the authorized services to take legal action, and following each case through to redress. Finally, AYWEF provided legal assistance and support to GBV victims and survivors, including internally-displaced girls.

Open call