This sub-project aimed to contribute to the reduction of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in the urban commune of Timbuktu. The Centre de Formation, de Gouvernance et de Recherche Action pour le Développement (CFOGRAD) delivered a series of training sessions on the causes and consequences of SGBV, legal instruments to prevent and protect rights of women and awareness-raising tools to local leaders, including communal officials, religious leaders, staff of the Tribunal de Grande Instance and of the social development and health services. Further, the implementing partner raised awareness on the topic through a series of awareness-raising sessions for the local community and leaders and distributing booklets in the local language on SGBV-related laws and legal texts. The implementing partner also established a Cadre de Concertation Communale for the fight against SGBV, that will work on handling SGBV cases by bringing together legal and judicial actors in the urban commune of Timbuktu. Finally, CFOGRAD delivered information sessions on women’s rights and SGBV for women civil society organizations and providing psychological support to SGBV survivors.
Implementing Partner:
Centre de Formation, de Gouvernance et de Recherche Action pour le Développement (CFOGRAD)
Sub-Project title:
Appui à l’Emergence de Leaders Locaux Engages dans la Lutte Contre les Violences Sexuelles et Basées sur le Genre à Tombouctou
Amount awarded:
XOF 51,816,000
February, 2023 to February, 2024
Open call