International Development Law Organization
Implementing Partner: 
Center for Law and Policy Affairs (CLPA)
Sub-Project title: 
Promoting an Enabling Environment for Healthy Diets and Physical Activity to Combat Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) through Social Mobilization and Awareness Raising
Amount awarded: 
BDT 4,659,600
June, 2021 to March, 2022

This sub-project aimed to contribute to an enabling legal and policy environment promoting healthy diets and physical activity through social mobilization and awareness-raising. In order to inform policy and decision makers about the need to adopt appropriate legislation in this area, the Center for Law and Policy Affairs (CLPA) developed two (2) policy briefs and conducted social media campaigns on relevant legal, regulatory, and fiscal frameworks. CLPA also organized a series of sensitization workshops and national consultation meetings for local officials, journalists, members of Parliament and representatives of civil society organizations (CSOs) to raise the awareness of – and enhance the dialogue between – these groups on fostering an enabling legal environment for the promotion of healthy diets and physical activity. Furthermore, CLPA delivered training sessions on policy advocacy for the control of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) to public health advocates, lawyers, health professional groups, CSOs and local government representatives; established a countrywide CSO network to strengthen advocacy for the prevention of NCDs; and developed a set of recommendations to inform the improvement of the regulatory and fiscal measures for healthy diets and physical activity promotion stemming from consultations and workshops, which were subsequently shared with local government authorities. Finally, CLPA, in collaboration with ChildFund Sri Lanka, IDLO’s implementing partner in Sri Lanka, organized a Regional Dialogue on “The Role of Law to Promote Physical Activity – Existing Legal and Policy Frameworks, Barriers and Opportunities in Supporting Conducive Legal Environments for Promoting Physical Activity to Address NCDs in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka” to share lessons learned and promote cross-regional learning.

Open call