International Development Law Organization


10 September, 2020
Women and Customary and Informal Justice Systems focuses on the relationship between women and customary and informal justice (CIJ) systems. It brings together current research, expert perspectives and programmatic experience, addressing: »»the evolution of legal and policy...
8 September, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected every part of the world. The effectiveness of government measures to contain the pandemic and Build Back Better depends upon the capacity of public institutions and their leadership to provide transparent, effective, and accountable actions, in...
20 July, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic is challenging governments around the world to manage, coordinate and expand the key building blocks of a well-functioning health system. At both global and local levels, the law is a powerful tool for advancing the right to health and addressing public...
28 May, 2020
The Annual Report for 2019 outlines how IDLO pursued its mandate in the past year, and through its programs, research and policy advocacy contributed to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It offers a tangible demonstration of the contribution of...
21 May, 2020
Justice for Women Amidst COVID-19 documents major challenges to women’s access to justice in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. It presents a global synthesis of the state of justice systems in connection with women’s justice needs, highlights innovative interventions...
11 March, 2020
Women’s Professional Participation in Kenya’s Justice Sector: Barriers and Pathways examines the different segments that make up the justice chain – the police, academia, law societies, lawyers, judges and magistrates – and the barriers that block women’s equitable and...
16 December, 2019
In Jordan, women entrepreneurs constitute a growing portion of the business population, offering opportunities for women to generate income and meaningfully contribute to the national economy. However, women entrepreneurs also face discrimination as they engage in business...
11 November, 2019
An overview of IDLO's work in 2019 reflecting on how its strategic objectives support the realization of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, driven by Goal 16 on peace, justice and effective institutions. 
8 November, 2019
The 2018 Annual Report outlines how IDLO pursued its mandate in the past year, and through its programs, research and policy advocacy contributed to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 2018 also marked the mid-point of Strategy 2020, IDLO’s four-...
30 October, 2019
Women’s Professional Participation in Tunisia’s Justice Sector: Pathways and Opportunities focuses on progress and remaining challenges towards equal professional participation within Tunisia’s justice institutions and the barriers to equality and access to justice. IDLO's...
20 August, 2019
In 2018, IDLO commemorated its 30th anniversary as an intergovernmental organization and the second year of its strategic plan for the period 2017-2020, Strategy 2020. During the year, IDLO built on the reforms of 2017 to capture opportunities and transition to a sustainable...
27 March, 2019
#Justiceforwomen and girls is at the heart of the 2030 Agenda, with its commitments to gender equality (SDG 5) and its promise of peaceful, just and inclusive societies (SDG 16). The High-level Group on Justice for Women worked to better understand common justice problems...
30 January, 2019
In a bid to make justice accessible for all, IDLO has launched a series of Consultations on customary and informal justice systems. The global dialogue is informed by a series of publications titled “Navigating Complex Pathways to Justice: Engagement with Customary and...
30 January, 2019
In a bid to make justice accessible for all, IDLO has launched a series of Consultations on customary and informal justice systems. The global dialogue is informed by a series of publications titled “Navigating Complex Pathways to Justice: Engagement with Customary and...
18 December, 2018
This Lessons Learned Brief explores the power of electronic justice (“e-justice”) to enhance judicial independence and integrity and access to justice, contributing to broader rule of law goals, including Sustainable Development Goal 16 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable...
