Strengthening Gender Equality in Law: Mapping and Analysis of Sierra Leone’s Legal Landscape

Laws that discriminate against women and girls drive the systemic denial of their human rights and block their advancement and empowerment. They prevent women and girls from accessing resources, opportunities and rights. When women and girls can live free from discrimination, with laws that protect their human rights, they realize their full potential and society benefits as a whole.
In support of the ‘Equality in Law for Women and Girls By 2030: A Multi-Stakeholder Strategy for Accelerated Action’ and Sierra Leone’s commitment to gender equality, IDLO, UN Women and the Office of the Attorney-General and Minister of Justice of Sierra Leone through the Justice Sector Coordination Office have partnered to produce a legal assessment report.
This assessment, Strengthening Gender Equality in Law: Mapping and Analysis of Sierra Leone’s Legal Landscape, provides an analysis of discriminatory laws against women and girls in Sierra Leone and makes recommendations for reform, repeal or the passing of new laws with the goal of ensuring that the principle of equality and non-discrimination is reflected in law.

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