IDLO Program Results - Highlights Report 2013 - 2016
Date of Publication:
Monday, July 31, 2017
About This Publication:
This report was presented to the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency - Sida, in recognition of the completion of IDLO's successful Strategic Plan 2013 - 2016.
Using a combination of independent evaluations and internal analysis, this report looks at the strategic alignment of IDLO’s projects to its substantive goals and assesses, where possible, programmatic results achieved during the 2013-2016 strategic cycle.
The data collection and analysis took place under the umbrella of 2013 - 2016 IDLO Strategic Plan, focusing on three substantive goals, namely:
- Goal 1: IDLO will help to build confidence in the justice sector by supporting legal and institutional reforms and promoting good governance.
- Goal 2: IDLO will enhance access to justice by enabling governments to uphold human rights and empowering people to claim them.
- Goal 3: IDLO will facilitate innovative.