IDLO Annual Report 2021

In 2021, the impact of the pandemic continued to be devastating, deepening inequalities, exacerbating fragilities and exposing major trust deficits in governance. Conflict, humanitarian and geopolitical crises, increasingly severe weather events, and a global economic downturn affected more people than ever before, with women and girls bearing the brunt of their impact.
Against this grim backdrop, the importance of the rule of law to peace and sustainable development was never more evident.
The past year challenged IDLO to innovate, reinvent and explore alternative approaches as we supported our partners to meet rising justice needs in some of the most complex parts of the world.
Under its new Strategic Plan 2021-2024, IDLO committed to putting people and their needs at the centre of justice systems and to promoting the rule of law as a driver of peace and development.
This Annual Report offers a tangible demonstration of the results we achieved during the second year of our Strategic Plan, despite the many challenges.

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