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Human Rights Council Urgent Debate on the Situation of Women in Afghanistan

Remarks delivered by the International Development Law Organization’s (IDLO) Permanent Observer to the United Nations and Other International Organizations in Geneva

July 1, 2022
Geneva, Switzerland

Thank you, Mr. President.

As the only global intergovernmental organization devoted exclusively to promoting the rule of law for peace and sustainable development, the International Development Law Organization works in countries around the world, supporting efforts to strengthen institutions and improve people’s access to the mechanisms of governance.

Across all of its programmes, advocacy and research, IDLO supports a rule of law-based approach to enable people-centred justice systems, including the development of gender-responsive legal, regulatory and policy frameworks that provide an enabling environment for the advancement of women and girls.

From IDLO’s perspective, placing people at the centre of justice is critical to achieving sustained development gains. Working with institutions to ensure that all those in the most vulnerable situations can access essential services and equal protection before the law is an essential step towards peace and development. As a rule of law organization working mostly in fragile contexts, IDLO recognizes that the law is an important marker for social change and gender equality. We work to develop gender-responsive legal and institutional frameworks, strengthen the capacity of justice sector institutions to respond to the needs of the most vulnerable, and increase access to justice for those most at risk, including women and girls.

IDLO has long worked in Afghanistan. We have seen how women’s participation in society and governance is crucial for development and lasting peace. We are committed to continue our efforts to support all Afghans as they pursue their aspirations for peace and long-lasting, sustainable development through the rule of law.