Please see selected statements presented by IDLO at the United Nations and at other engagements around the world.
Policy Statements And Updates
Statement by International Development Law Organization (IDLO), delivered by Henk-Jan Brinkman, Permanent Observer of the International Development Law Organization to the United Nations
Statement by International Development Law Organization (IDLO)
Statement by International Development Law Organization (IDLO)
Statement by International Development Law Organization (IDLO), delivered by Henk-Jan Brinkman, Permanent Observer to the United Nations in New York
Statement by the International Development Law Organization (IDLO)
Statement by the Director-General, Ms Jan Beagle
Statement by the Director-General, Ms Jan Beagle
Thursday, 14 September 2023
Statement by International Development Law Organization (IDLO), delivered by Henk-Jan Brinkman, Permanent Observer to the United Nations in New York
Statement by International Development Law Organization (IDLO), delivered by IDLO Director of Programmes, Franco Sanchez-Hidalgo
Statement by International Development Law Organization (IDLO)