Rome, July 9, 2013 – Today, the International Development Law Organization welcomed a delegation of 16 members of the Tajik judiciary to Italy. The delegation, consisting of 15 judges and the Head of the Judicial Training Centre of Tajikistan, is attending a 10 day apprenticeship at the Scuola Superiore della Magistratura and Italian courts. Organized in the framework of the EBRD/IDLO Commercial Law Judicial Training Program, the apprenticeship will allow judges and justice sector personnel to attend commercial law classes, court hearings and training sessions with their Italian counterparts.
IDLO has partnered with the Supreme Court of Tajikistan, as well as the Council of Justice and the Judicial Training Centre. The IDLO office in Dushanbe opened in 2011 with the intent to train the entire Tajik judiciary in commercial law. Specific work focuses on building the capacity of the Judicial Training Centre, exposing Tajik judges to international good practices, providing access to legal resources through a commercial law library, and publishing judicial decisions.