International Development Law Organization


9 October, 2019
Join a dialogue with renowned experts and practitioners and share your thoughts and ideas on how to deliver justice for women and girls. Issues of significance in the lives of women and girls such as family disputes, access to land and gender-based violence are often resolved by chiefs, elders, religious leaders or similar customary and informal actors because formal justice systems are...
9 August, 2019
La Organización Internacional de Derecho para el Desarrollo (IDLO) invita el público de San Pedro Sula a una exposición fotográfica que muestra el talento de un grupo de jóvenes del sector Rivera Hernández. Cada obra revela historias de esperanza y retratos de personas que con su trabajo y actitud positiva están generando un cambio en la comunidad.  IDLO, desde un enfoque basado en el...
10 July, 2019
Searching for the Cutting Edge: Identifying Pathways to Achieving Access to Justice at the National, Regional and International Level On the occasion of the working visit of the Chief Justices from Africa to The Hague (7 July – 11 July 2019), the African Foundation for International Law (AFIL), the Hague Project Peace and Justice, the African Institute for International Law and the...
10 July, 2019
Side event on Advancing the Role of Women in Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions Collective efforts to advance women’s roles in institutional and legislative reforms and policy decision-making at all levels furthers the goals of achieving strong, inclusive, and lasting economies for future generations. Panelists, each relying on evidence-based case studies, will discuss how stakeholders...
12 July, 2019
Review of SDG implementation and interrelations among goals: Discussion on SDG 16 – Peace, justice and strong institutions SDG 16 aims to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all, and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. The 2030 Agenda recognizes the need to build peaceful, just and inclusive...
9 July, 2019
Roundtable on: Sustainable Development through Access to Justice and the Rule of Law Following up on the Rome Conference Discussion on SDG16.3 and Beyond The conference Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies: SDG 16 Implementation and the Path to Leaving No One Behind, co-organized by UN DESA and IDLO with the Government of Italy, was held in Rome on 27-29 June 2019, to contribute to the...
27 May, 2019
Conference in preparation for High-level Political Forum 2019: “Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies: SDG 16 implementation and the path towards leaving no one behind”. The conference will take stock of global progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goal 16 (SDG 16); share knowledge, success stories and good practices; identify particular areas of concern and main challenges;...
29 April, 2019
This year's World Justice Forum will take place in The Hague from April 29 to May 2. The forum will focus on the theme 'realizing justice for all' and brings together governmental and non-governmental actors, private sector leaders, and members of the donor community. IDLO will be making contributions to numerous sessions across the five-day forum: sharing insights, exploring...
15 March, 2019
SIDE EVENT Women and Customary and Informal Justice Systems: A Global Consultation on Navigating Complex Pathways to Justice In the developing world, 80% of disputes are resolved by customary or informal justice systems (CIJs). This means that a majority of women rely on dispute resolution outside of the formal courts. Issues of significance to women, such as inheritance, family formation...
13 March, 2019
SIDE EVENT Justice for Women: Launch of the High-level Group Report Join UN Women, the International Development Law Organization, the World Bank and the Task Force on Justice for the launch of a High-level Group Report on Justice for Women. The adoption of a global commitment to promote peaceful, just and inclusive societies and access to justice for all (SDG 16) and a standalone...
