International Development Law Organization

Geneva | Good Governance in SDGs

EVENT - Linking Peace, Justice and Development through Good Governance in the SDGs: The Role of Independent Oversight

The event will focus on the crucial role of independent oversight institutions in delivering peace and security, rule of law and justice, and good governance as envisaged in Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16. Highlighting the catalytic nature of SDG 16 for the wider 2030 Agenda, representatives of independent oversight bodies will showcase how their work contributes to SDG 16 and related targets (Agenda 16+).

National human rights institutions, ombudspersons and similar bodies play a crucial role in fostering peaceful and inclusive societies, rule of law and justice, and promoting and protecting human rights, including by receiving, investigating and resolving complaints, mediating conflicts and monitoring activities. Panelists will share experiences and lessons learned that illustrate the centrality of accountable and effective national security and justice sectors that operate within a framework of democracy and the rule of law for the 2030 Agenda – and the role oversight bodies play in pursuing that outcome.

This event is organized by IDLO and the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF)


11:15 – 12:30 CET | Thursday, November 7, 2019 | Room XXIV, Palais des Nations, Geneva

Light refreshments will be served from 10:45



  • Mr. Julian Fleet, Permanent Observer, IDLO
  • Ambassador Thomas Guerber, Director, DCAF


  • Dr. Ghizaal Haress, Ombudsperson, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
  • Dr. Roberto Herrera Cáceres, Ombudsperson, Comisionado Nacional de los Derechos Humanos, Honduras
  • The Hon. Florence Kajuju, Secretary-General, African Ombudsman & Mediators Association (AOMA); Chairperson, Commission on Administrative Justice, Kenya

Discussion moderated by

  • Dr. Hans Born, Assistant Director and Head of Policy and Research, DCAF


Please visit the eventbrite page to register for this event.

All participants and speakers who do not have a valid UNOG grounds pass must also register via the UNOG registration system INDICO. They will then receive a single badge valid from November 4 to 8, 2019 and will be able to attend all events of Geneva Peace Week 2019 held at the Palais des Nations.

More information:

The event flyer and invitation letter are available below.

For further information, please contact Mélissa Silverstein at


Please note that your registration information will also be shared with the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform (the key facilitator of Geneva Peace Week) for the purpose of compiling anonymous statistics on event attendance.

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