66th session of the commission on the status of women

Statement by the Director-General, Ms Jan Beagle
This International Women’s Day, IDLO joins our partners in celebrating the lives of women and girls around the world, and in highlighting this year’s International Women’s Day theme: “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow.”
Statement by the Director-General, Ms Jan Beagle
49th session of the Human Rights Council
Statement of the International Development Law Organization
14 February 2022
New York
Delivered by Sarah Papineau, Permanent Observer a.i., IDLO
Mr. President,
Dear friends,
As we come to the end of 2021, I wanted to share some reflections from what has been a challenging but eventful year.
Colleagues and friends,
On behalf of the International Development Law Organization, the only global intergovernmental organisation exclusively devoted to promoting the rule of law to advance peace and sustainable development, I would like to say what a pleasure it has been to take part in this important Dialogue.
Statement by the Director-General Jan Beagle on United Nations Convention Against Corruption Conference of States Parties
Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt
17 December 2021
Survivor-centered Justice: Why Is It Essential for Ending Gender-based Violence?
Policy Statements
Policy Statements
Policy Statements