Sahel_International Courier Services RFQ NO. 001 SER SAH 2024
Framework Agreement for the provision of International Courier Services for Sahel Program.
Extended the deadline until May 02, 2024. 15:00 Rome Local Time.
The Sahel region is caught in a vicious cycle: insecurity is on the rise, the capacity of countries to provide basic services, maintain order and deliver justice is diminishing, development is hampered, tensions within communities are mounting and there is growing distrust of the State. Impunity, corruption and lack of justice are among the root causes of instability and insecurity in the region. The absence of an effective response to crime and conflict - such as banditry, cattle theft, attacks on roads and markets, as well as illegal detention and other injustices committed by state agents - contributes to the deterioration of State legitimacy and creates a breeding ground for jihadist and organized crime groups. Beyond strengthening institutions to combat terrorism, it is therefore essential to address the systemic shortcomings within criminal justice systems to effectively reduce instability in the region.
La région du Sahel fait face à un cercle vicieux : l’insécurité augmente, la capacité des États à assurer les services de base et le maintien de l’ordre et la justice diminue, le développement est davantage entravé, les tensions intercommunautaires s’attisent et la méfiance envers l’État grandit. L'impunité, la corruption et le manque de justice, font partie des causes profondes de l’instabilité et de l’insécurité dans la région. L’absence de réponse face à la criminalité et aux conflits - comme le banditisme, le vol de bétail, les attaques sur les routes et marchés, ainsi que la détention illégale et les injustices commises par les agents de la justice – contribue à dégrader la légitimité des États et à créer un terrain propice pour les groupes djihadistes et de crime organisé. Au-delà du renforcement des institutions de lutte contre le terrorisme, il apparait donc essentiel de remédier aux défaillances systémiques des systèmes de justice pénale afin de lutter efficacement contre l'instabilité dans la région.
Framework Agreement for the provision of International Courier Services for Sahel Program.
Extended the deadline until May 02, 2024. 15:00 Rome Local Time.
Framework Agreements for the provision of car rental service with Driver in Niger
Clarification letter no.1 for answering bidder's questions.
This sub-project aimed to contribute to the prevention and fight against gender-based violence (GBV) and the holistic care of GBV victims and survivors and internally displaced girls in the Eastern region of Burkina Faso.
This sub-project aims to contribute to the legal empowerment of women and girls in the commune of Tillabéri in Niger, and facilitate their access to the formal justice system and the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC).
This sub-project aimed to improve the protection of girls and women from gender-based violence (GBV) in the context of the security crisis in the Eastern Region of Burkina Faso. Mwangaza action supported the establishment and operationalization of community structures for the fight against GBV and delivered a series of capacity development activities for men community members and religious leaders on GBV, women’s rights and available community protection and referral mechanisms for GBV victims and survivors.
This sub-project aimed to enhance access to legal aid by improving justice knowledge and legal service provision in the commune of Ouahigouya of the northern region of Burkina Faso. To this end, the association Appui Moral, Matériel et Intellectuel à l’Enfant (AMMIE) delivered a series of capacity development sessions for civil society actors and human rights defenders on criminal law and procedure, judicial organization, fair trial principles and detention law.
This sub-project aimed to support the socio-professional reintegration of the detainees of Daikana reinsertion centre in Niger. The organization Ecole-Parrainage et Actions de Développement de Base (EPAD) supported the operationalization of professional centres within the Daikana reinsertion centre and delivered a series of vocational training sessions on sewing, cabinet making, metal carpentry and ecological market gardening to the inmates .
This sub-project aimed to improve access to legal aid for the population of the northern region of Burkina Faso.
This sub-project aimed to enhance quality access to justice in Burkina Faso by strengthening the capacity of local civil society organizations (CSOs) on rules, procedures and principles of the criminal justice chain.
This sub-project aimed to contribute to the reduction of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in the urban commune of Timbuktu. The Centre de Formation, de Gouvernance et de Recherche Action pour le Développement (CFOGRAD) delivered a series of training sessions on the causes and consequences of SGBV, legal instruments to prevent and protect rights of women and awareness-raising tools to local leaders, including communal officials, religious leaders, staff of the Tribunal de Grande Instance and of the social development and health services.
16 Sep 2021 |
Policy Statements
15 septembre, 2020 |