The private sector is of central importance for The Gambia, a Least Developed Country where the availability of private capital from foreign and domestic investors is critical to promote sustainable economic growth, increase employment and ensure better living conditions. Poorly designed international investment frameworks - and in particular international investment treaties, which do not adequately protect a state’s authority - may inhibit the power to regulate in the public interest and expose the state to costly disputes.
IDLO is implementing a self-funded project that aims to strengthen the capacity of The Gambia to negotiate and design balanced and sustainable international investment treaties. The project will identify the main risks arising from international investment treaties signed by The Gambia, and work to improve an understanding of the traditional dispute settlement mechanisms, specifically investor-state arbitration. To this end, IDLO will develop and implement capacity building activities for participants from the government bodies involved in the negotiation of international investment treaties. The trainings will focus on the fundamentals of international investment law, providing substantive knowledge of the main provisions and protections in international investment treaties.
Photo credit: © Curioso Photography- stock.adobe.com