The COVID-19 pandemic poses a significant threat to the right to food for populations, and especially for marginalized groups. In many countries, COVID-19 is intertwining with pre-existing factors affecting food security and nutrition, by limiting the access to affordable and nutritious food, including lack of economic opportunities, extreme weather conditions, ongoing conflicts and more. Within this context, loss of employment and purchasing power put households at increased risk of food insecurity, which can increase household conflicts and levels of sexual and gender-based violence.
IDLO, in partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), is implementing a program that aims to enhance food security and nutrition for vulnerable groups, particularly women and girls in the context of a COVID–19 emergency response and recovery in Honduras and Uganda. IDLO will work to assess the impact of national emergency laws and regulations on access to affordable and nutritious food, undertaking both a global assessment and national assessments in Honduras and Uganda. Based on the outcomes of the assessment, IDLO, in collaboration with FAO, will develop specific and tailored briefs and guidance documents to support access to affordable and nutritious food for the most vulnerable, especially women and girls, in times of emergency. Lastly, to raise awareness about food security and nutrition challenges in the context of COVID-19, IDLO and FAO will carry out a policy dialogue with State Institutions, civil society, national human rights institutions, the private sector and international development partners.
Photo credit: © Viktor Pravdica- stock.adobe.com