Croatia has eight first instance commercial courts and one High Commercial Court, and is committed to raising the capacity of its commercial court judges to resolve cases related to insolvency matters. The Judicial Training Academy has incorporated insolvency training into its annual program almost every year since 2010. However, there is still more progress to be made, especially regarding impediments to the resolution of non-performing loans which highlights the importance of the legal framework on insolvency law.
IDLO is implementing a project to enhance the capacity of Croatian judges to handle insolvency cases. Together with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, IDLO is organizing a judicial training conference on insolvency matters in Croatia to promote knowledge exchange between Croatian judges on best practices in dealing with insolvency matters. The conference will convene 170 judges and other stakeholders with the aim of developing a common understanding and uniform approach to dealing with problematic issues in the area and enhancing their knowledge of insolvency law and practice.