Despite having reached satisfactory standards of democracy and improved the respect for human rights, Mongolia faces some serious issues in addressing high levels of domestic violence against women. Mechanisms and services for protection of and support to victims of domestic violence are still very limited. A lack of training, procedural guidelines and inter-agency coordination between justice sector actors often creates obstacles for victims and hinders an efficient response to domestic abuse.
In order to improve conditions for women’s safety across the country, IDLO is implementing a project looking to obtain a more effective response to domestic violence by improving mechanisms and strengthening capacities and coordination between key justice sector stakeholders – including the police, the judiciary, prosecutors and bailiffs.
After conducting a training of trainers for a multi-disciplinary team of key actors addressing domestic violence, IDLO is working to coordinate training efforts by preparing the outline of a handbook and delivering substantive training for up to 200 representatives of justice institutions through the multi-disciplinary team of new trainers.