Food security in the context of the COVID-19 response and recovery

Approximately 65.5 million people around the world are forcibly displaced. Weak rule of law, poor governance, conflict and human rights abuses are all drivers of displacement. There are also at least 10 million people who are stateless – living without a nationality. Around 50% of refugees, displaced or stateless populations are women and girls. Of the 22.5 million refugees worldwide, over 50% are children.
Some migrants might also be seeking relief from conflict, poverty and disasters, but there is an important distinction under international law between “refugees” and “migrants”. A well-established international law regime underpins international refugee protection.
Refugees, migrants, displaced and stateless people are frequently confronted with legal challenges. IDLO believes that the rule of law, properly understood and applied, is essential to the protection of vulnerable populations and the realization of international refugee and human rights law, be it in countries of origin, transit or destination. IDLO is committed to empowering refugees, migrants, and other vulnerable populations, and continues to explore ways to best support them and their host communities.
47th Session of the Human Rights Council - Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons
25 June, 2021
Geneva (Virtual)
The Government of Somalia has adopted a new national policy on internally displaced persons (IDPs), and refugee-returnees. The first of its kind, the policy seeks to provide rights-based solutions for the protection of all Somali citizens.
74th Session of the United Nations General Assembly: High-level Meeting on Somalia
New York
Delivered by Irene Khan, Director-General, IDLO
Distinguished Delegates,
In Somalia, more than 2.1 million people are displaced, both in the country and hosted as refugees in the region.
IDLO and UNHCR have signed a cooperation agreement to strengthen their partnership in rule of law initiatives for refugees, internally displaced persons and stateless people.
The Youth Assembly at the United Nations: Addressing The Global Refugee Crisis
August 10, 2017
New York
Delivered by Federica Scala, Legal Officer, IDLO
Check against delivery
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Somalia constitutes a country of origin, destination, transit, and return for large movements of people across the Horn of Africa. Movement is driven by the intersecting challenges of protracted and persistent conflict, failing systems of governance, and limited employment and livelihood opportunities. More than 2.1 million Somalis live in protracted displacement, with 1.1 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) and an additional 1 million Somalis hosted as refugees in countries in the immediate region.
During a panel discussion in Geneva, IDLO Director-General Irene Khan suggested that out-of-the-box partnerships, flexibility and investment in innovative ideas could help the international community address the world’s refugee problems.
Policy Statements
Policy Statements