Tackling the Crisis of Corruption

In the Republic of Armenia, the constitution provides for an independent judiciary. Lack of judicial accountability and independence has proven to be a hindrance towards democratic and economic development, and was one of the main reasons behind the revolution of April 2018.
To sustain the current effort to establish a transparent and effective commercial and civil law system, IDLO is supporting the country’s commitment to reforms that would enable an independent strengthened and efficient judiciary, prosecution and law enforcement.
Photo: Flickr © MarcoZanferrari
In April 2018, the Republic of Armenia adopted a new version of the Civil Procedure Code with the aim to expedite cases and increase the efficiency of civil courts. As in most transition countries, implementation of the law by courts and officials is weak and uneven. The judiciary needs to become familiarized with the new Civil Procedure Code and its application within a limited timeframe. Hence, it is critical that judges have a firm grasp of the newly adopted rules, especially related to commercial disputes.
While Armenia introduced an insolvency law in 2006, insolvency frameworks and procedures need to be strengthened. Insolvency in Armenia is court-led, and many aspects of insolvency law are complex and controversial, requiring specialized judges to handle them. The ongoing strengthening of the specialized insolvency court is expected to have significant positive impact on the insolvency framework and on the country’s investment climate.