Honduras Court admits petition to protect prisoners from COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting every aspect of society, but vulnerable groups who were already marginalized will likely bear the greatest burden.

In 2021, IDLO began working with the judiciary of Honduras to improve citizens’ access to public information and quality communication, and to make the justice system more accessible, affordable, cost-effective, transparent and efficient. Through the project ‘Enhancing Judicial Transparency and Promoting Public Trust’ IDLO supports the country’s judiciary in increasing transparency and public engagement in the functioning of the courts as well as strengthening the justice system’s accountability.
IDLO also partners with the Institute for Access to Public Information and the Ministry of Transparency to strengthen the capacities of anti-corruption institutions and mechanisms to promote transparency, accountability and integrity based on international and regional good practice. As part of this, IDLO assessed legal and policy frameworks on anti-corruption in Honduras, identified capacity development needs and put together joint plans to address these with partner institutions.
The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting every aspect of society, but vulnerable groups who were already marginalized will likely bear the greatest burden.
IDLO and the Municipality of San Pedro Sula in Honduras have launched an awareness campaign on city services available to survivors of gender-based, domestic and intra-familial violence, with information on what constitutes violence, how to avoid it and where to seek help when it happens.
Languages: English | Español
Languages: English | Español
La Organización Internacional de Derecho para el Desarrollo (IDLO) invita el público de San Pedro Sula a una exposición fotográfica que muestra el talento de un grupo de jóvenes del sector Rivera Hernández.
Cada obra revela historias de esperanza y retratos de personas que con su trabajo y actitud positiva están generando un cambio en la comunidad.
Justice based on human rights is crucial in Honduras.
Languages: English | Español
Honduras is shifting the national dialogue on restorative justice by moving the penitentiary criminal system away from a retributive approach and towards a human rights-based perspective.
As part of IDLO’s continuous commitment to accountability and results-based management, IDLO is pleased to share this Mid-Term Evaluation Brief for the project, “Reducing Violence and Homicide through Access to Justice in Chamelecon, Satelite and Rivera Hernandez Neighborhoods of San Pedro Sula, Honduras”. The evaluation has been conducted by independent evaluation experts, supervised by IDLO’s Evaluation Unit.
Tegucigalpa, 24 de mayo de 2018.
En el marco del Programa de Reducción de Homicidios y Violencia a través del Acceso a la Justicia en Honduras (RHAJ) que ejecuta la Organización Internacional de Derecho para el Desarrollo, IDLO, surge la oportunidad de contribuir con el esfuerzo del estado de Honduras para la revalorización de las personas privadas de libertad como sujetos de derechos humanos.
San Pedro Sula, 18 de abril de 2018 – La Organización Internacional de Derecho para el Desarrollo, IDLO por sus siglas en inglés, presentó a la Municipalidad de San Pedro Sula la nueva Política de Niñez y Adolescencia del Municipio, en respuesta a la necesidad de garantizar la protección integral de la niñez y adolescencia en el municipio. Dicha Política Municipal de Niñez será un instrumento local para asegurar los recursos que permitan mejorar y elevar las condiciones y calidad de vida de los niños, niñas y adolescentes.
Reflections From The Field
9 août, 2019 |