Organisation Internationale de Droit du Développement
Implementing Partner: 
Foundation for Justice and Development Initiatives (FJDI)
Sub-Project title: 
Strengthening Transitional Justice and Post-Conflict Recovery in Northern Uganda
Amount awarded: 
UGX 1,242,171,560
mai, 2023 - novembre, 2024

This sub-project aimed to improve access to transitional justice and post-conflict recovery for war victims and conflict-affected communities in Uganda. The Foundation for Justice and Development Initiatives (FJDI) supported victims and their legal representatives in the context of the Kwoyelo trial; provided updates on the trial to the general public through community outreach initiatives; and organized advocacy meetings with policymakers, judicial officers and other key stakeholders on the passing and implementation of the National Transitional Justice Policy in Uganda. Furthermore, to enhance responsiveness towards reparations for victims and conflict survivors, FJDI facilitated consultative meetings between representatives of this group and duty bearers. FJDI also organized events to observe local and international commemorative days, in collaboration with the victims’ network in Greater Northern Uganda; provided support for mediation cases on land conflicts; and conducted regional dialogues and community sensitization meetings on land-related conflicts and laws to reduce the prevalence of land conflicts among post-conflict communities and promote sustainable peace and development.


Open call