Organisation Internationale de Droit du Développement


26 octobre, 2012

ROME, 25 October 2012 – The Vice Minister of Justice of Vietnam, H.E. Pham Quy Ty, visited the International Development Law Organization (IDLO) with a delegation of Vietnamese legal officials. 

IDLO’s Director-General Irene Khan briefed the Vice Minister on IDLO’s projects in Vietnam, including its work on climate change and Intellectual Property. 

22 octobre, 2012

As representatives of big United Nations agencies, NGOs and the American Bar Association gather in Rome to debate the justiciability of the right to food, some may wonder if the word itself can be successfully pronounced. 

5 septembre, 2012

Members of the ASEAN Committee in Rome, including the Ambassadors of the Philippines, Thailand, Myanmar and Malaysia, and senior diplomats from the Embassies of Indonesia and Vietnam came to IDLO for a briefing on IDLO activities by the Director-General and senior management. The meeting, which was organized with the help of H.E.

9 août, 2012

Indigenous communities, often unaware of their rights under law are unable to use them to their advantage. Law can help make the difference between poverty and development, between malnutrition and a dignified life. Legal empowerment – whether through national or customary law – of indigenous peoples is the key. 

7 août, 2012

The U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Agencies in Rome, David Lane, presented his diplomatic credentials to the Director-General of the International Development Law Organization (IDLO), Irene Khan, at the organization’s headquarters in Rome.

The U.S. is the current President of the IDLO Assembly of Parties

28 juin, 2012

Communities that survived years of violent strife still struggle to secure permanent rights

Read the report here

21 juin, 2012

As world leaders, civil society activists and private sector representatives gather for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), the International Development Law Organization (IDLO) is focusing its efforts on promoting the critical link between law and sustainable development.

4 juin, 2012

Islamabad, Pakistan - At the invitation of UNDP and UNAIDS Pakistan, Ms Naomi Burke-Shyne, IDLO, spoke at the First Steering Committee Meeting to Review the Legislative and Policy Environment with regard to the Human Rights and HIV in Islamabad.

1 juin, 2012

ISTANBUL, May 31st/June 1st -- IDLO Director-General Irene Khan is taking part in a conference on the future of Somalia in Istanbul, as the organization seeks to aid progress towards a constitutional settlement in the shattered country.

21 mai, 2012

“It takes me 50 minutes to fly to Tunis,” says Giulio Zanetti, speaking from Rome headquarters. “Compare this to Paris, which takes me 2 hours...” 
