Organisation Internationale de Droit du Développement


2 octobre, 2017

Forty legal professionals striving to become judges in courts of the Kyrgyz Republic have successfully graduated from pre-service preparatory training, paving the way for them to put forward their candidacies. The specialized training program is provided by the USAID-IDLO Kyrgyzstan Judicial Str

22 septembre, 2017

Two students from South Sudan’s University of Juba’s College of Law (COL) have successfully competed in the African Human Rights Moot Competition, held from 18 – 23 September in Mauritius. Their participation was facilitated by IDLO as part of its work to foster legal education in South Sudan.

22 septembre, 2017

As part of its efforts to build the capacity of Afghanistan’s justice sector through the Justice Training Transition Program (JTTP), IDLO has organized an exposure visit for Afghan justice professionals to Italian institutions.

13 septembre, 2017

With rapidly growing economic and social sectors, the improvement of its justice system is key to the Philippines securing the status of a newly developed country. IDLO has been implementing a program in the Philippines to enhance the competency of prosecutors with a view to increasing the successful disposition of cases against public officials and efficiently addressing corruption.

13 septembre, 2017

A delegation from Afghanistan’s Attorney General’s Office (AGO) attended the 22nd International Association of Prosecutors Annual Conference held in Beijing from 10 – 15 September. It was led by Afghanistan’s Attorney General, Mr.

11 septembre, 2017

The most advanced yet Public Service Center has opened in Ukraine’s second-largest city Kharkiv, currently providing over 400 administrative and social services through the one-stop-shop concept that has previously proven successful in Odessa and Mariupol.

6 septembre, 2017

The story goes as follows: A wife confronts her husband with allegations of an extramarital affair. The husband’s reaction is violent; yelling and screaming, he beats her. She goes to seek help from a local administrator – but falls on deaf ears.

Photo: IDLO, Peter De Meij
5 septembre, 2017

Electronic evidence is progressively becoming a key component in corruption cases in Indonesia. Gradually, e-mails, recordings, text messages and social media posts are presented as evidence that can make or break a case.

1 septembre, 2017

September 1, 2017 – Today’s decision by the Kenya Supreme Court demonstrates that the Kenyan Judiciary can effectively and efficiently handle electoral disputes in line with the Constitution, said the International Development Law Organization (IDLO).

30 août, 2017

As a post-conflict country, Afghanistan continues to operate in a complex and fragile environment characterized by political instability, weak institutions and diminished public confidence.
