Thirty years ago on February 5, 1988, the rule of law made it to multilateralism as eight governments took the momentous step to establish IDLO (or IDLI, as it was then known) as an intergovernmental organization.
Reconociendo la necesidad de armonizar los servicios y el tratamiento de su población carcelaria, el gobierno de Honduras ha aumentado el presupuesto asignado a los servicios de personas privadas de libertad - como la atención médica y psicológica, la educación, la asistencia legal y el apoyo de profesionales de trabajo social - para lograr una rehabilitación y reintegración más efectiva de las
Recognizing the need to harmonize services and treatment of its prison population, the government of Honduras has increased the funding allocated to prisoner services – such as medical and psychological care, education, legal assistance and social support – to achieve more effective rehabilitation and reintegration of prisoners and detainees.
The Netherlands and Indonesia have a longstanding relationship in the fields of rule of law and security cooperation. The two countries' legal systems share a common heritage in substantive law and legal structure, and remain important partners today.
With domestic violence only recently classified as a crime in Mongolia, police officers, judges and other justice professionals initially had to navigate unfamiliar territory. Capacity building programs are helping them to support victims in line with the new legislation and resolve cases through coordinated response mechanisms.
Languages: English, Español
Kenya has formally launched a National Action Plan on Legal Aid for 2017-2022, the first of its kind in Kenya and in the region.
Since 2015, the Rule of Law Centres (ROLCs) in Myanmar, supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and IDLO have been conducting training across the country to increase understanding and cooperation between justice providers and the communities they serve.
On 26 July 2017, Tunisia’s parliament approved a landmark bill seeking to eliminate all forms of violence against women. The passage of the bill, which is set to enter force in 2018, represents the first national legislation dealing with violence against women based on a human rights approach.
A regional workshop co-organized by IDLO brought together female judges, lawyers and academics in Sousse, Tunisia to discuss women’s effective participation in justice delivery and policy making across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.