IDLO organized the first interregional meeting of justice chain actors across its four program locations in Mali from February 27 – 28 in Bamako, continuing its efforts to strengthen the criminal justice chain in the country.
An effective, accountable and accessible justice system, based on the rule of law, is essential for security, economic development and the protection of fundamental rights in Afghanistan. Initiated in 2013, IDLO’s Justice Training Transition Program (JTTP) was one of the largest international training programs serving the Afghan criminal justice sector.
Languages: English - Pусский
IDLO organized a roundtable discussion in Dushanbe, Tajikistan on 21 February to present its functional analysis on the bailiff system in Tajikistan.
As part of IDLO's project to increase accountability for sexual and gender-based crimes in Liberia, it is working to build the capacity of judges to effectively handle and dispose of sexual and gender-based violence cases.
Languages: English - Pусский
Stigma and discrimination, especially against women and girls and key populations, is a major barrier to people using HIV services. Up to 60% of countries report having laws, regulations or policies that deter people in key populations from being able to protect themselves from, or get treatment for, HIV.
Una historia de violencia ha dejado profundas cicatrices en el tejido social del sector Chamelecón, Honduras. A través de un curso de fotografía, IDLO ha capacitado a un grupo de jóvenes de la zona para ayudarlos a descubrir su potencial y superar un legado de discriminación y exclusión.
Asset recovery remains high on the global agenda.
San Pedro Sula, 15 de febrero de 2018 – En 35 fotografías, que integran la exposición fotográfica “Pixeles de Vida”, un grupo de jóvenes del sector de Chamelecón en San Pedro Sula, Honduras, capturaron la realidad de su comunidad, mostrando una población dinámica y perseverante, que lucha contra un historial de violencia.
IDLO acknowledges with profound sorrow the untimely loss of Asma Jahangir, esteemed Pakistani lawyer and human rights activist who passed away in her native Lahore on February 11, 2018.