"In 2016, IDLO - with financial assistance from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Government of Italy - conducted a project in commercial law judicial training support in Montenegro.
The JTC board gave its consent to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with IDLO; this memorandum defines the obligations of both parties and specifies training topics and ways of organizing training throughout the project. What was important for us as a partner institution is that IDLO respected our demands when it came to choosing topics.
IDLO organized two courses for trainers of Montenegrin judges on topics such as communication skills for trainers, relationship management, stress management, memory skills, analysis of training needs, and efficient ways of conducting training.
For those judges and two additional representatives of the JTC, IDLO also arranged a study visit to Italy in June 2016, which gave them the opportunity to see relevant judicial institutions as well as colleges for judges and prosecutors, and to exchange experiences with colleagues on legislation and judicial practice.
Subsequently, IDLO organized training on four different topics of commercial law. All these training sessions were performed by national Montenegrin judges, who have had undergone a training program for trainers, and international experts engaged by IDLO; the average number of participants per training module was twenty.
The JTC performed an evaluation of the success of the training through the analysis of data obtained from questionnaires that participants filled in at the end of each module. Results showed that the seminars fulfilled the expectations of the participants, both in terms of content and engagement of lecturers.
To conclude, it was a very successful cooperation and we sincerely hope that we will continue cooperation with IDLO in the near future.”