2030 Agenda Event Publication IDLO's Gender Work Social Media
Although gender equality is increasingly a feature of national constitutions, the law often continues to restrict women's rights and freedoms. Gender-based violence and discrimination is an affront to human dignity and an obstacle to development, while inequality robs societies of the contribution of half of their members.
To achieve gender equality and realize Goal 5 of 2030 Agenda, IDLO is working to empower women and girls through the rule of law, a commitment and dedication also outlined in the organization's new Strategy 2020. Whether this means ensuring that women and girls have equal access to legal services for healthcare, better access to justice through shelters, and prosecution for gender-based and domestic violence, or supporting women’s economic empowerment and participation in government, IDLO is celebrating International Women’s Day by promoting the #Law4Women.
IDLO's Director-General Irene Khan on women's issues of today, and opportunities to continue achieving gender equality and empowerment.
The biggest challenge to women’s rights is eradicating sexual and gender based violence against women and girls…over 30% suffer from such violence in the twenty-first century.
Achieving the 2030 Agenda
Wherever IDLO implements its “gender” programs – from Afghanistan to Liberia, from Honduras to Kenya; whether it is about justice reform or land rights or food security – the common denominator is the economic, social and legal empowerment of women, in other words, the heart of Sustainable Development Goal 5 and 16.
How are Goal 5 and Goal 16 complementary and mutually reinforcing Sustainable Development Goals?
“Goal 5 helps Goal 16 achieve accountable, equitable, inclusive and responsive institutions. On the other hand, Goal 16 helps Goal 5 in the recognition of women’s rights in legal and policy frameworks, and at the same times helps ensure women can claim and achieve these rights through access to justice.”
IDLO's Gender Work
On March 8, 2017 (17:00 - 18:30 GMT) the Overseas Development Institute will host a debate with women from around the world, including IDLO's D-G Irene Khan, on how to fight the backlash against women.
Is the backlash against women growing, and is it a global phenomenon? How is the world responding? And what will it really take for women globally to achieve equality?
More information and live webcast
Publication Spotlight
IDLO’s report Women, Food, Land: Exploring Rule of Law Linkages looks at the challenges that affect women’s food security and land rights.
Gender equality and the realization of women’s rights go hand in hand. When women are empowered, they are better able to claim their right to food and to contribute to ensuring food security for others.
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IDLO's Gender Work
Social Media
Join IDLO's commitment to International Women's Day by following, sharing and contribution to #Law4Women.
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