Media Advisory: Interview Availability. Nairobi, April 27, 2017 - The Director-General of the International Development Law Organization (IDLO) will visit Kenya from May 3 to 5, 2017 to discuss electoral justice, gender equality and the rule of law with representatives of the Government of the Republic of Kenya, the judiciary, the legislative, diplomatic community, civil society and the women’s movement.
IDLO has been active in Kenya since 2010 helping to build the capacity of justice sector professionals and the legal profession. The organization supported the design of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 and has been working with state institutions mandated with implementing it, including with the judiciary on electoral and political party dispute. More recently, IDLO has supported the government to mainstream gender at the national and country levels, including through legislative reforms to promote gender equality.
WHAT: Launch of report: “Avoiding violence and enhancing legitimacy: judicial preparedness for handling electoral disputes in Kenya and beyond” (released May 4, 2017)
WHEN: 10:00 am – 12:30 pm, Thursday May 4, 2017
WHERE: Supreme Court Gardens
IDLO will launch its report “Avoiding violence and enhancing legitimacy: judicial preparedness for handling electoral disputes in Kenya and beyond” jointly with the judiciary as the Judiciary Committee on Elections makes public its Annual Report.
Against a background of ethnic disputes and low trust in political institutions, one of the many factors credited for the calm of the 2013 elections was the Kenyan judiciary’s management of election petitions. IDLO’s report draws lessons from its work to support the judiciary in Kenya as well as from other countries in resolving electoral disputes.
WHAT: High-level panel discussion: “Assessing Ongoing Reforms for Gender Equality in Kenya within the Context of Constitutional Transformation”
WHEN: Friday May 5, 2017
IDLO Director-General Irene Khan will preside over the high-level panel discussion “Assessing Ongoing Reforms for Gender Equality in Kenya within the Context of Constitutional Transformation”. Female public officials, judges, lawyers, academics, and representatives of civil society and the women’s movement will take stock of developments, challenges and best practices related to gender equality in Kenya.
To request an advance copy of IDLO’s report on electoral dispute resolution or to arrange a media interview with Irene Khan please contact: Mburugu Gikunda mburugug@gmail.com Mob +254 722521366 or Judit Arenas jarenas@idlo.int +1-646-506-5996.
You can also follow on Twitter: @IreneKhan or @IDLO and on Facebook IDLOnews.
Background for editors
The International Development Law Organization (IDLO) is the only intergovernmental organization exclusively devoted to promoting the rule of law. IDLO works to enable governments and empower people to reform laws and strengthen institutions to promote peace, justice, sustainable development and economic opportunity. Its programs, research and policy advocacy cover the spectrum of rule of law from peace and institution building to social development and economic recovery in countries emerging from conflict and striving towards democracy.
IDLO sees the rule of law as the cornerstone of peace, security, justice and development, as well as an integral part of sustainable development - underpinning social and economic progress and environmental protection with strong institutions and good governance, formal legal frameworks and legal empowerment of people, equal opportunity and equitable access to basic services, and due process and fair outcomes for all.
For further information about IDLO visit http://www.idlo.int
(released May 4, 2017)