Program Results
In 2018, IDLO commemorated its 30th anniversary as an intergovernmental organization and the second year of its strategic plan for the period 2017-2020, Strategy 2020. During the year, IDLO built on the reforms of 2017 to capture opportunities and transition to a sustainable trajectory for growth.
In 2017, IDLO began to implement its new Strategic Plan covering the 2017-2020 period - Strategy 2020. This report is an internal review of the first year of Strategy 2020 as set out in the 2017 Management Plan (MP2017), pending a more comprehensive independent mid-term evaluation in 2019.
This report was presented to the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency - Sida, in recognition of the completion of IDLO's successful Strategic Plan 2013 - 2016. Using a combination of independent evaluations and internal analysis, this report looks at the strategic alignment of IDLO’s projects to its substantive goals and assesses, where possible, programmatic results achieved during the 2013-2016 strategic cycle.
Evaluation Briefs
As part of our commitment to accountability and results-based management, IDLO enhanced its evaluation methodology and introduced ‘theory-based’ evaluations carried out by external expert teams – allowing us to create focused questions and develop qualitative and quantitative indicators for measuring impact. Guided by the standard OECD (DAC) criteria (relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability), each evaluation brief provides an independent assessment of a project, measures the extent to which the expected results were achieved, and identifies lessons learned with a view to informing future projects and programs.
Evaluation of the project "Afghan Justice Institutions Strengthening (AJIS)"
Evaluation of the project “Justice Training Transition Program (JTTP) Follow On"
Evaluation (Mid-Term) of the project “Supporting Access to Justice in Afghanistan (SAJA)"
Evaluation (Final) of the project “Supporting Access to Justice in Afghanistan (SAJA)"
Evaluation of the project "Support to Kenyan Constitutional Implementation Process with a Focus on Devolution and Gender Reforms"
Evaluation (Mid-Term) of the project "Strengthening the Criminal Justice Chain in the North of Mali (SCJC)"
Evaluation of the project "Strengthening Enforcement of Court Decisions in Mongolia - Phase I and II"
Evaluation of the project "Commercial Law Judicial Capacity Building Project (CLJCBP)in Mongolia"
Evaluation of the project "Strengthening Linkages Between Formal Justice System and Traditional Dispute Resolution System to Improve Access to Justice - Phase II"
Evaluation of the project "Enhancing the Capacity of the Legal Professional in Somalia for the Delivery of Justice"
South Sudan
Evaluation of the project “Enhancing the Capacity of the Judiciary of South Sudan"
Tanzania & Uganda
Evaluation of the project "Law Schools - HIV"
Evaluation of the project "DREAMS: HIV Services for Adolescent Girls and Young Women"
Evaluation of the project “Implementation of a Commercial Law Judicial Training Program"
Nagoya Protocol
Evaluation of the project "Capacity Building Programme to Support the Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol"
Evaluation of the project "Supporting Justice Sector and Anti-Corruption Reforms in Ukraine - Phase 1"